  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • American food
  • imageArts & Culture
  • Auto Repair / Body Shops
  • Automotive
  • Bars & Lounges
  • Beauty & Spa
  • cafe
  • Chinese food
  • Dentistry/Orthodontics
  • Fitness
  • Florists
  • Health & Medical
  • Home & Goods
  • Hotels
  • Nightlife
  • Pet Care & Grooming
  • Plumbing Services
  • Pool Service & Repair
  • Pressure Washing
  • Professional Services
  • Property Management
  • Public Relations
  • Real Estate
  • Restaurant
  • Shopping
  • Sushi bar


Getting Started.
Create Your Business Listings

Follow THREE simple steps to get your business/event listing up and running.
If you have already created a profile you can skip ahead to Step 2. If your listing has been created by another user, you can skip Step 2.

1. User Register or Sign In

Creating a profile is an essential process to gain access to your dashboard, this is the “hub” for all of your business tools and listings.

Create Your Profile

The first step in creating your business or event listing is to Sign In or RegisterYou can create an account using your own name or create a profile for your business.

Once you have created a profile you can then edit your personal or business information on your dashboard. Until you create a business or product listing, all you will have access to in your dashboard is your profile, bookmarked listings and any reviews you have left for other businesses.

2. Create Your Listing

TheWebpageSite.com provides an easy to use submission form for creating and publishing your business or product listing.

This form allows you to enter important information about your business or product. We have tried to make this process easy for you by automating the population of data using Google APIs, so give Fill-O-Bot a try!

It is recommended that you complete as much information as possible including opening hours, FAQs, tags and keywords as all of this will help in search results.

Most importantly, don’t forget to select all categories that apply to your business or product (including the primary categories) and ensure that you upload a correctly formatted logo, High Resolution and attractive feature image and gallery image(s). Remember, a picture speaks a thousand words.

  • Logo: 512x512px
  • Feature Image: 1024x660px
  • Gallery Images: 1024x660px



Now that you’ve created your listing and you’re satisfied with the layout it’s time to publish!

3. Claim Your Listing

This is the final step in listing your business or event. Once your listing is live on the site, please preview your listing and ‘Claim‘ it as your own.

TheWebpageSite.com®️ platform allows all registered users to create business listings. They do not have to own or work in the business.

If someone has done you a favor and created your listing for you, take control of your listing by claiming it as your own. Our team will review your claim and it will then be linked to your account. If you are not yet on a payment plan you will be able to keep the listing on the Free plan or upgrade to the plan of your choice.

Ready to Get Started?

Create a free account or login to create a listing!